• We at CCG believe in a collaborative approach that underscores the entire team. Essentially we become an extension of your current capabilities increasing the probability of a successful outcome. View our Partners page to see the growing areas where we can assist you.

  • CCG and its affiliated partners have demonstrated success in all facets of building, operating and exiting a Cannabis business and will work with you to achieve your goals with the confidence of a proven team and partner eco-system comprised of vertical operators and suppliers.

    View our Partners page to see the growing areas where we can assist you.

  • While we will certainly assist in the acquisition of the institutional funding required for project completion, ensuring success following that funding is critical. As a result, when we’re engaged to secure funding, our partners become an extension of your team. While there’s no guarantee of success in any business, our experienced team makes our institutional funding sources more comfortable with the liklihood of a successful outcome.

  • The cost of our consulting services depends on a number of factors. For example, if we are engaged to assist in license acquisition, that engagement would be significantly different than an engagement to assist in project funding.

  • Depending on the scope of the engagement, CCG is generally paid in three ways or some combination thereof. First, CCG is often retained with a monthly retainer. Secondly, if CCG is engaged to secure institutional funding through our contacts and we are successful in securing that funding, CCG may be compensated for placement or hired by the funding source as a consultant to oversee the project evolution to completion. Finally, CCG is often granted a nomnial percentage of ownership in your entity or specific project. This ownership in your entity or project aligns all of us in the successful outcome which is desirable for all involved.

  • We work to be completely transparent here at CCG. To that end, to the extent that there is to be an additional cost to you under our engagement, you will be made aware of those costs in advance. You will then have the option to elect to leverage our help to accomplish that item or select someone else to do so.

  • CCG simply acts as a facilitator. As such, depending upon your specific needs, we will help you think through your funding options. Once you select an option for your funding, the disclosure on terms, conditions and requirements will rest fully with the intermediary / representative and not with CCG. Following any introduction CCG makes to a potential funding source, we suggest that you connect directly with them to ask your questions and to gain any clarity you need prior to proceeding forward with them.

  • CCG has worked to identify and align institutional investors that have an appetite for and a familiarity with Cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and dispensary facility construction and ongoing operation. While each have their own requirements, we have developed structures to accomodate both debt and equity funding. Because these are institutional investors, in an effort to garner interest in the projects, smaller projects are often pooled together while larger projects tend to stand on their own.

    CCG will work with you to select the option that fits your funding needs. Once you select the options you believe to be best for your specific situation, you must perform your own review of the associated terms, conditions and requirements.

  • Because CCG works with institutional investors, in an effort to garner interest in the projects, smaller projects are often pooled together while larger projects tend to stand on their own.

    CCG will work with you to select the option that fits your funding needs. Once you select the options you believe to be best for your specific situation, you must perform your own review of the associated terms, conditions and requirements.

  • While smaller projects are pooled to garner interest from institutional investors, CCG presents projects of $100 million or more directly to institutional investors.

  • CCG has the capability to assist with securing Cannabis funding worldwide. Contact us so that we can guage our abiility to help you.

  • Because we must understand the project you are looking to pursue, it is helpful to have a well formed powerpoint deck you can share with us following an initial discussion. In addition, if you are seeking funding for your project, a current balance sheet, forward looking financials, your ownership structure and a willingness to be patient and flexible will be required.

  • Terrific! To gain access to CCG’s exclusive Cannabis listings, you would simply click here and then click on the Accredited Investor button on the page. You will be asked to review and sign a CCG NDA and walk through an investor accreditation process and then, if approved, you will be granted access.

  • To list a project on CCG’s exclusive listings platform, we’ll first need to learn a bit about your project to ensure it’s something in which institutional investors may have an interest. To start that conversation, click here and then click the licensee button on the page.

  • Yes. There are currently two different tiers of project listings within CCG’s exclusive listing platform. The first tier is referred to as our “Standard Listing”. A standard listing is a passive listing that is visible to investors that have viewing access to CCG’s exclusive listing platform. The second tier is referred to as our “Premium Listing”. A premium listing is an active listing that is being worked with investors both on and off the platform by a third party intermediary.

    If you would like to learn more about listing your project within CCG’s exclusive listing platform, click here and then click on the licensee button on the page.